Francisco Nava(フランシスコ・ナヴァ)君
▶ サッカークラブでの役割は何ですか。
What is your role in Soccer Club?
My role in our soccer club is captain of the team. My job is to make sure all the players are doing what they are supposed to be doing. I make sure everything is organized, and make sure there are no problems in field.
▶ アメリカでサッカーは人気がありますか。
Is soccer popular in the U.S. (for men and women)?
Soccer in the U.S. is very popular for both men and women. There are many professional soccer teams across the U.S. and a lot of players. Both men and women in the U.S. find soccer to be fun and a great sport.
▶ サッカークラブはどのように活動していますか。
How/what is Soccer Club doing?
The atmosphere in the soccer club is great. We are all focused on playing soccer, which makes practices more competitive and fun. Our members get along great and we play as a team, not as individuals. ”Don’t be individual” is one of our policies. On the field we organize drills so that everyone can achieve their potential.
▶ なぜサッカークラブに入ろうと思いましたか。
Why did you decide to join Soccer Club?
I found out about the Soccer Club by seeing a flier that was posted on our school campus when I was freshman. I decided to join because I love playing soccer and I wanted to be a part of the club. I was playing soccer in high school and there are some members like me who has played soccer in high school and wanted to play soccer in college also.
▶ 現在のサッカークラブのレベルは?
What do you think about the recent level of the Soccer Club?
The level of the soccer club is good. We have good players and we are still getting more players to be a part of the club. Our level of communication is also good. We decide on what drills will benefit the whole team.
▶ マーセッドカレッジサッカークラブの特徴は?
What is a feature of the MC Soccer Club?
A feature of the MC Soccer Club is that we are dedicated. We always go to practice willing to play and give it our best, and that makes our members more competitive.
▶ サッカークラブの今後の目標は?
What is the goal for Soccer Club?
The next goal for our Soccer Club is to raise money to be able to play in tournaments. We all want to compete and would love to play against other teams. The ultimate goal for our Soccer Club is to become an actual team and join a school league. We want to be able to make it a school sport, just like all the other sports. My goal as a player is to help the Soccer Club become a team, and hopefully win some championships.